Slow video playback?

Jun 07, 2012

Hi all, I'm having troubles identifying why my video is running slowly on this site (to see the problem, click on "Welcome" on the left). 

The video itself is about 13mbs in size, and a previous iteration of the video in this deck was about 20mbs and loaded perfectly. I've made sure to remove all spaces within the video file, it didn't seem to help.

What could be the problem with this video, any ideas? Thanks for the help.

edit: I was also wondering if my hosting is causing a bottleneck for serving the video. Would switching to the Articulate hosting solve this problem? I've never had an issue with my hosting before but that doesn't mean it isn't causing a problem now. 

1 Reply
Peter Anderson

Hey John, welcome to Heroes!

I'm actually not experiencing any lag with the video or its loading, which makes me think it may be a bandwidth issue. Have you had a chance to test it out in different environments, with different bandwidths? If you'd like to make adjustments to the video itself, Justin has some great advice over on this older thread that should help reduce the load on the server.

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