What is the limit in Presenter for Engage and Quizmaker interactions?

Apr 05, 2018

Hi, I'm running PowerPoint/Presenter (v. 1802) on a PC in an office 365 ProPlus environment and using Engage 360 and Quizmaker 360.  What the limit is for the number of such interactions that can be successfully published to Presenter?  My slide show is about 30 slides, and I have a combination of 9 of these interactions published into Presenter.



2 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi Michele.  We want you to be able to build the courses that are right for you - so there are no limits!  Things to consider, though, especially since you might have multiple quizzes...

Are you looking to track the results of all of the quizzes?  Articulate can only send the score of one quiz to your LMS.

How long do you anticipate your learners spending in your course?  The e-learning community has shared ideas about ideal course length.  There's even a discussion of micro-learning which has some great resources. 

If you're hitting any technical hangups while building out your course, please let me know!  I'm happy to help keep your development running smoothly.  😊

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