Why "Preview" mode higher quality?

Feb 06, 2012

Hi everyone, I could sure use some help, please.

I've inserted some Camtasia videos (software demos) into a few PPT slides. The videos are 720x540. They look perfect in Articulate Presenter's "Preview" mode (no degradation or artifacts), and they're also perfect when launched in a "new window," but when launched in the current window, they are degraded. 

I've set both the browser/presentation to resize/lock at "Optimal" size, and the compression quality to "Optimize for CD-ROM." Despite these optimized settings, the pubished slides' demos are still degraded.

Is there anything else I can do to preserve the demos' original recorded quality without launching in a separate window? Thank you!

5 Replies
Justin Wilcox

You may want to see if there is an option in Camtasia that allows the movie to scale or not. If there is, you probably want to allow scaling. Also, you want to make sure that the presentation is being published with the player template you customized that locks the presentation at its optimal size. Another thing to consider is that if you are using the Slide only view to change that to the Standard or No Sidebar view as the Slide only view slightly re-sizes the dimensions of the slide.

Jeremy Arntsen

Thanks for your input Justin. I am using the template that has the Standard view locked at optimal size. The Camtasia dimensions are fixed... I don't want the movie to scale either larger or smaller, because that's one thing that causes degradation. Thanks again Justin.

If anyone else has ideas, please let me know.

Justin Wilcox

Putting a movie in a presentation that does not allow scaling can be problematic because it can cause issues with the player as it can distort the parent SWF. Here's some articles that might help:



Here is a brief video tutorial describing this process:


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