Branching Not Working Like I Want It To

Apr 25, 2013

I have a Powerpoint presentation that is utilizing Quizmaker.  Here's the scenario I'm trying to achieve:

Person reads PowerPoint slides after reading slides they are given a quiz on the topic.

Within Quizmaker they are given the first question, if correct, quiz make closes and moves to next topic.

If incorrect, person is branched to blank slides within Quizmaker that has the information.  The person is then re-tested, if correct, quick maker closes and moves to next topic.

If incorrect, person is branched (as before)....etc, this time if they are still unable to answer correctly the quiz ends, a message appears "Maximum Attempts is reached." the Quiz closes and should branch to a Powerpoint slide that states end of presentation (last slide in presentation).

In the above scenario, the branching on the last attempt, branches them to the next topic and not to the slide that states end of presentation (last slide in presentation).

Any idea why the branching is not working?

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