Caching Issues for Updated Quizzes

Aug 29, 2015

Hi All, 

I deliver quizzes through an LMS.  I periodically make updates to the quizzes, including deleting old questions and adding new questions.

The issue I run into is that after uploading the updated quiz to the LMS any students who accessed the quiz prior to the update get some strange things happening when accessing the same quiz after the update has been made. They'll often end up getting stuck and not able to complete the quiz.  

The problem is that their browser's have cached the old quiz and it conflicts with the updated quiz.  We end up spending lots of time walking students through the steps for clearing their browsers' cache. 

Is there some way to force the students' browsers to clear cache when launching an updated version of a quiz so that they won't get stuck?  Is it possible for an LMS to clear a browser's cache in these instances? 

Any ideas on how to get around this problem would be greatly appreciated. 






3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Steven,

There isn't a way to force the browser to clear the cache and I don't believe an LMS can set up that behavior either. If you're having difficulty with it, could you look at loading up a new quiz entirely with a new name, and direct users to open and utilize that one? If you're having them clear their cache anyway, they're not resuming to where they left off or similar so it may be better to start it as a new attempt. 

Arnold Clark

Hi Ashely and Steven,

I have the same problem now in 2019 (AS3). Is there any trick to do this without creating a new quiz or reprogramming a course? I am asking this I manage hundreds of courses and some of them are available in a dozen languages. In some cases, users need to retake the same course/quiz as a yearly refresher.  

Any ideas will be appreciated! 




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