Is Branching back to Presenter content from Quizmaker possible?

Oct 12, 2012


I have a Presenter course that contains a Quizmaker quiz.  The customer would like to have students go back and review content in the Presenter course each time they miss a question in the quiz.  It looks to me like this will not work because Presenter and Quizmaker are two seperate programs and there is no way to branch back and forth between the two - only branching within quizmaker questions. 

As I see it, their options would be to:

  1. Easiest pared down version... Use feedback boxes only to reiterate the reason for the wrong answer within each question
  2. Add a hyperlink in feedback that could send them to the content housed elsewhere on the internet (probably a Sharepoint site).  This is not too slick as I can have it simply open in another window but it seems it could lead to some student confusion as there is no automatic branching. 
  3. Add in a dummy quiz question bank to branch them back and forth to
  4. Fail them each time they miss a question and branch them back to the content. 

Am I missing another possibility here?  One individual who attended Articulate Studio training a few years ago  swears she remembers being able to just branch back to Presenter content from quizmaker and then branch back to the quiz.   Am I just not figuring out how to do this?

Thanks so much for your help!!!


4 Replies
Darlesa Cahoon

I did find Jeannette's screenr on adding blank slides for customized feedback.

This should do the trick - and it is less involved than I thought it would be.  I'll pass along the info.  I would still appreciate confirmation from someone else that there is no way to branch back and forth between quizmaker and presenter.  Right?


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