Quizmaker 13 - HTML 5 output grading multiple answer (Select 3 incorrect)

Nov 03, 2014

Hello we are experiencing HTML 5 output grading multiple answer question with 3 correct responses incorrectly.  The HTML/SWF version grades properly.

Has anyone else seen this? 

Attached is a sample quiz.  We reproduced it running the quiz_html5.html and answering the questions.



14 Replies
RQA eLearning

I believe that I am having the same issue - desktop version works fine, but completing the html5 version using Chrome and on iPad/Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 also brings up the same issue (picture attached).

I'm running the latest version, and have done Chrome Updater checks to be sure.  I'm converting about 10 quizzes over the next 2 weeks so I either need a fix, or I will have to lock down the HTML5 version.  I don't want to use the Mobile Player either for various reasons.HTML5 Quiz Error

Lisa Ball

Is the 'Submit all at Once' issue only related to the HTML5 version or does it also impact SCORM 1.2 as well?  We are having the same scoring issue where questions answered correctly are being scored as incorrect.  The issue started to impact quizzes already in production that were once scoring correctly.  This began around Nov 2015.

The only work around we found is to 'Submit one at a Time' but this works only for new development as it would be too labor intensive to republish every quiz in our LMS with that setting and we have requirements for certain programs that need the 'Submit all at Once' option.  Any insight is appreciated.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Lisa!

HTML5 version is how your users view the course, so yes it can impact things that were published utilizing SCORM 1.2 if the viewers are viewing the HTML5 output.

Articulate Quizmaker lets you publish quizzes for Flash, HTML5, and the Articulate Mobile Player app. To distribute your published content, upload it to your web server or LMS, then link to the quiz.html file in the published output. Here’s how Quizmaker determines which version of your content to display when learners view it.
I'm not aware of a workaround outside of utilizing Submit One at a Time.
Lisa Ball

Hi Leslie,

We don't publish for HTML5 and mobile devices. We only publish to SCORM 1.2 for use on our LMS using IE behind our fire wall. We are trying to understand why we now have this scoring issue when previously we did not. Is this issue expected to be resolved in future updates?

Thank you,


Alyssa Gomez

Hi everybody!  I’m so happy to tell you that we’ve just released Update 9 for Studio ’13.  It addresses the issue where using "submit all at once" in the HTML5 output would cause the quiz answers to be scored incorrectly. You can download the update here and see the release notes in full here.  Once you've downloaded the update, you want to republish your file.

Thanks for helping us make this improvement!

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