
Aug 01, 2011

what is the equivalent of  \qti\quizmaker.html  in Quizmaker 09?

Would like to modify this:

      <pass actiontype="url"><![CDATA[one.html]]></pass>
      <fail actiontype="url"><![CDATA[two.html]]></fail>

5 Replies
tee tones

 I have created an individual course  in EKP ( LMS)  that contains 4 individual quizzes made with quizmaker. After each quiz and on click of the finish button, i would like a message( please minimize window)  to be displayed to a user.

On the old articulate, i used to do this using the quizmaker.xml file in the qti folder as shown on my first post.

Can you help me with this?

Brian Batt

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