Quizmaker says I need to Update to Flash 10 or above for IE. My flash is 16 already but I still can't open Quizmaker.

Dec 15, 2014


10 Replies
terry follmer

Same/similar issue. Running Windows 7, Articulate Studio 13, IE11, Flash 19. I can no longer open Articulate Studio (Engage, Quizmaker, Presenter) so I can't even check the build. Articulate 13 was installed 27 March 2015; IE11 installed in the last few weeks, that's when this problem started. What do I need to correct this?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi K,

Do you know what update of Quizmaker you're running?  You can download the latest build here, and I'd do that to confirm it's the most recent update. You can see where the Flash issue was fixed in a much earlier update in the release notes here.

Let me know if you're still having problems after installing the update!

K King

Hi, Ashley, and thanks for your quick response.
For some reason your mail crashes my Outlook when I try to reply so...here
you go:

I am running Articulate '13, and I have already downloaded and installed the
Studio 13 update (it says that it
updated existing software).
When I launch Quizmaker '13 I get that same error message that people in the
community forum are talking about:

...and thenI get this:

Just FYI, all this (the launch to Adobe Flash player update, the "check for
missing windows component online" happens through Explorer, which I don't
use--these Articulate dialogs are totally overriding my default browser
(Firefox) prefs. Could this have anything to do with why nothing works?

Again, thanks for your help!


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kaye,

Crashing your outlook isn't ideal at all! You can always visit this forum discussion by clicking the View button to respond here.

It looks like you also tried to share a screen shot responding via email? Those won't be posted - so I'll open a support case for you. Our team can reach out and work with you more one on one. 


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Kaye,

I just checked in on your case and saw Rowie shared the following: 

If you are still prompted with the Flash Player issue, please download the uninstaller from your IE (Internet Explorer) browser using this link: 


Install the latest Flash Player afterwards: 


If you continue to experience the problem. I would recommend that you follow the troubleshooting steps in this article to fix unexpected or erratic behavior in Articulate Studio 13: 


NOTE: Make sure to download the ZIP version of the installer and save/run it from your Desktop. You'll need administrative privileges to install software properly. You may need to ask your IT staff for help. 

Just wanted to share here and make sure you got it! Let Rowie or I know if you need more help! 

This discussion is closed. You can start a new discussion or contact Articulate Support.