Quizmaker: Splitting feedback by topic

Jul 25, 2012

Hi All,

I have a client who has 73 question quiz grouped into topics. From this pool we have randomised the questions on each topic there is a pool of 7- 10 questions and of those questions 3-4 are randomly selected. So far so good. The client would like the user to get a score as a percentage of correct answers on each topic as feedback to the user so the user will know which topics need reviewing and have the LMS pick up on the total scroe for a pass /fail mark. Is there any way to do this besides breaking up the module into several sub modules?

cheers and many thanks


2 Replies
Jeanette Brooks

Hey Chris,

I'm sorry, right now there isn't a way to tally the score results by group. The results will show only the total number of points and/or percentage achieved for the entire quiz. So yeah, you might need to split this into multiple quizzes, by topic, to allow the learner to see their topic-specific score.

Scoring by group would make a great feature request!

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