Retrying a quiz

Feb 05, 2016

I had a presentation set up with a quiz and put into our LMS.  The manager requested that learners have three tries to pass the quiz.  The problem is that if a person fails the quiz three times (yes, they had to embarrassingly admit that to their manager), can I reset the quiz to have it retried after those three times?  I would like to have just that person retry it, but I don't know if that is possible.  Articulate eliminates the retry button altogether after three times and I need to put it back.


1 Reply
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Jill!

The software only controls the re-tries for the session that the user is in. If the user were to access the course again, that behavior would be determined by your LMS. If the issue is then with the resume behavior, be sure to have it set to ask the user if they want to resume and then have the user select No to restart.

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