Sustaining positive/negative scoring throughout a simulation

Feb 01, 2011

When a user performs certain positive actions in a simulator we want to award points to the user or decrement points for negative actions chosen.  If a user quits their current session, we would like to be able to save their current points total.  When the user returns, we want to be able to recall their current points total and update it as the user continues to progress through the simulation.

Is this possible in Articulate?

1 Reply
Brian Batt

Hi Dick,

It's currently not possible to subtract points for picking answers in a quiz.  However, you could "weight" the question by giving 20 points for a correct answer and 0 points for the wrong answer.  

In regards to a user returning to a quiz, you can enable the "resume" feature by going into your quiz's player template & choosing the "Prompt to resume on quiz restart."  This should give you the functionality that you're looking for.  For more information, see the link below:

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