
Jul 17, 2011

Hi Guys,

Any suggestions for inexpensive voiceover service?


7 Replies
Russ Sawchuk

I too use Voice123 and have had very good success with the selection of voices and range of costs. As a result, we have a number of favorites that we tend to use over and over again. I have found that using these narrators makes your elearning/quizzes so much more professional and much easier to work with than trying to record your own voice.


Mike  Elmore

Hi Widya,

Mike Elmore here.  I spend about 4 hours each and every day narrating e-learning projects.  I do a lot of work for Jack Courtney/Narrator Files (mentioned above) as well as several other production companies...and Voice123.com.  Feel free to contact me any time and I am always more than happy to read some of your copy for your review ....to see if it is a "fit"...no strings attached. 

Happy Holidays, 

Mike Elmore



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