Word file name when publishing from Quizmaker

Mar 17, 2014

Where does Quizmaker 2013 pick up the file name for the Word file it creates? I would like to change the titles. 



11 Replies
Tim Kraft


That's what I would have expected, but it's not happening. 

Quiz file name: IMT Knowledge Check 3.quiz

Quiz title (from Properties): IMT Equipment Standards Knowledge Check 3

Quiz title (from Publish window Title field: IMT Equipment Standards Knowledge Check 3

Word file name: Calibration Report Review.doc

So I just have some sort of bug, I guess. 


Leslie McKerchie

Thanks Simone.

That is the craziest thing. I can see the issue you are sharing here.

I cannot re-create this in a new file nor does it happen if I import your quiz into a new file, so I think you have an anomaly. 

It should be from the Title field in the Title and Location section during publish to Word as mentioned above:

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Mary and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Thanks for contacting us to let us know you're running into a similar issue.

How can I get the Quizmaker file title to be the Word file name when publishing to Word?

Have you tried importing your slides into a new quiz file? This solution was able to help Simone above.

This is an issue that has been reported to our team and this conversation is attached to the report as we track user impact. We will be sure to update you here when we can as well.

This discussion is closed. You can start a new discussion or contact Articulate Support.