Importing files into Replay

Mar 28, 2022

Hi all, I recorded a video in Storyline since it has a more robust captioning tool. However, there is some editing I need to do that is not available in Storyline (clipping dead air, background noise). I can't seem to import this file into Replay; is there anything I can do to make these changes? Or, should I record in Replay, edit as needed, then import into Storyline to add the captions? I really need both the editing and captioning, but it seems overly challenging to make it work.

1 Reply
Maria Costa-Stienstra

Hi, Melissa, and welcome to E-Learning Heroes! ✨

Thank you for reaching out!

Can you clarify what you meant by "I can't seem to import this file into Replay"? When you attempt to import the .mp4 file from Storyline, do you get an error?

I'm happy to help! If you can share the video or .story file privately through a support case, we can take a deeper look at what's happening.