Replay not tracking cursor properly?

Apr 17, 2019

Has anyone else had this problem? Basically, I'll be taking a screen recording in Replay and selecting different tabs/options in this video. However, when I view the screen recording in Replay. my cursor in the video is much higher than it should be.

For context, if this was an Excel spreadsheet, my cursor in the video would be 3-4 rows higher than the row that is selected. So I end up with something selected and a cursor that doesn't match the position of the selected item. I want this to be professional and straightforward for the learner, so how do I fix this?


57 Replies
Katie Riggio

Welcome, Brett. Sorry you've come across this snag!

We found an issue in Replay 360 where the recording shows the mouse pointer in the wrong location when recording at a high resolution. I'll add this discussion to our report, and will keep you posted on any new information. Here's an inside look at how we tackle bugs!

Could you let me know what dimensions you were using when recording your screen? I'm also interested in the scaling on your display. You can find that detail by going to Display settings in Windows, and then moving to the scaling dropdown:


Try setting that percentage to 100%, and rerecording. Let me know if you see a difference!

Kat Magnuson

I was recording in 1908 x 1076. and I have a ton of video that I now get to either re-stage and shoot, or process again with Camtasia and 'fake' having mouse tracking enabled. 

I am entirely dismayed by the 'aw shucks' attitude regarding this critical issue, at least that's how it reads in the responses above to Brett's concerns. I don't see anything in any release notes or supporting documentation to indicate that a user could have been forewarned about this issue. Users like Brett and I are creating content intended to teach learners how to click and do things in software. That your tool does not do what it is designed to do is a bit more than an 'oops.' I've long been a huge fan of Articulate tools but man this really stings. 

Stefan Popovic

I had the same problem and setting the scaling to 100% solved the issue. But please consider this as a workaround and have your dev teams look at it anyway. Depending on the application we're demonstrating and the computer we use, scaling the screen can be unavoidable, making Replay practically unusable in these contexts.

Vincent Scoma

Hi Shannon,

Thank you for reaching out and letting us know! I will be including your comments in our report and be sure to update our team on this. In the meantime, a workflow that I hope will help is to set the scaling to 100% when creating screen recordings.

We will be sure to reach back out with any updates we can share!

Katie Riggio

Greetings, Paige! 

So sorry that you ran into this issue in Replay 360. It is still open with our team, but we'll share any new developments as soon as we can.

For now, the workaround is to set the scaling percentage to 100% in Display settings in Windows and then rerecord.

I appreciate that it's a bit of reworking, so let us know if you need a hand!

Ren Gomez

Hi Kristina,

I'm sorry you're running into similar issues! To confirm, it sounds like when you adjusted the Windows scaling to 100%, you then re-recorded, but now the screen isn't fully captured?

That doesn't sound right! Please connect with our support team to review your file and settings so we can nail down the cause!

Katie Riggio

Hi there, Caroline!

I'm truly sorry to hear this and would love to extend a hand.

Changing the scaling percentage to 100% should help in this scenario, but I recognize how frustrating it is to rerecord. From here, I'm going to connect you with our talented engineers to try to find a better way forward.

Your priority Teams case email should land in your inbox shortly. We'll see you there!

Débora Alvaro


The situation Brandon reported has also happened to me. Meaning that the 100% scaling of the screen hasn't solved the mouse tracking issue.
I wonder if there are any developments concerning this bug. My company will start developing video screen tutorials for a client soon and we cannot possibly deliver them if this bug persists.

So there is a strong urgency on our part in seeing this matter resolved.

Thank you.

Celia Burns

Disappointing to see that 2 years after this issue was reported it is still a problem - I struggled with it yesterday. I tried the changing my screen dimensions to 100% but it made everything on my screen tiny and then the box around what to record could no longer be stretched wide enough to cover my full screen when I did that!!? I ended up recording without a mouse, touch screened everything, and now am having to go back and manually add in a mouse in editing to every step in the video, adding a full day of work to my timeline. This product/tool did not do what it was advertised to do.

Lauren Connelly

I'm so sorry this affects your workflow, Celia, Débora, and Brandon! I can understand how frustrating this is. I'd like our Support Engineers to work with each of you to offer their expertise.

Please use this link to connect with a Support Engineer

In the meantime, I'll update our bug report to reflect each of your statements. I'll share any updates with you in this discussion. I appreciate each of you for sharing how this bug affects your projects.

Brian Houlihan


Ive changed display zoom to 100% which fixed that issue of cursor thanks.


But now its making the screencast in a smaller window and is leaving a big black border going around it, i cannot have this as i need the video to take up the entire screen, see screenshot below. Can someone help me out here?? McClintock

I'm glad to have found this thread since I thought I was going crazy! I was able to switch my Display Settings to 100% and now the mouse cursor movements line up with the video but I find that the quality is not great due to the small size. It's a shame because it severely limits the use of this tool for me. Looking forward to hearing about any updates and fixes to the issue!