Accessibility TAB has hiccups in SL player

Feb 19, 2020

I know there is no way to control the TAB order in the player skin, but my issue is that I need to change it because it's not working properly. It cycles around the buttons fairly ok at first...continue TABbing and the yellow box disappears. A few more TABs and it reappears on another part of the player. Magic! Not ideal. Our clients demand 508 compliance and this is a real showstopper for us. Hope you can take a look at it soon. 

2 Replies
Noel Sapp

Are you using Storyline 360?

  • What version? The latest version handles TAB order very differently than previous ones.
  • Can you describe what you are tabbing through? Where the yellow box disappears, and where it reappears? Then list what you tab through, the order, and when it seems your yellow box disappears on you? So like for example, "My slide has a title text box, a paragraph text box, 3 custom buttons for interactive stuff, the default PREV and NEXT buttons, oh.. and a menu outline on the left. When I tab, it goes from title, body, then I tab three times and nothing. The fourth time i tab, it highlights the PREV button."
  • Are you using a screen reader when testing (NVDA or JAWS)? That might read aloud what you cannot see with the yellow highlight box. For example, in a previous SL360 build the yellow box would just vanish when it came to the default "Skip Navigation" button. The button was invisible on screen by design, but without a screen reader to say "Button, Skip Navigation. Press Space Bar to Activate,"  you had no visual clue what was happening as the yellow box didn't highlight anything.
  • Finally, are you experiencing this in the default PREVIEW tool in SL 360? Or are you publishing to Review360? Or are you publishing to LMS HTML and/or Flash packaging to test the HTML files there? I ask, because the Preview option doesn't really translate what a browser will do. Your screen reader may read differently in all the three environments depending on how you built your slide content. For example, grouped items on a slide that have triggers to act as buttons do not play nicely with the Flash export format. If say you have several grouped items acting as custom buttons, you may find yourself trying to tab through those items on a slide only to find your yellow highlight box disappears and randomly reappears somewhere else later, if you're viewing the Flash HTML. When I say grouped I mean, you drew a box, then drew a text field to act as a label, then maybe added a custom icon and then just GROUPED them all rather than editing states to add the other items there. Or if you have some hidden items with stage layers or triggers to mark/unmark objects as hidden, that could affect tabbing through the Flash export build. Weird, but eh.

The more you can detail out some of this, the more likely someone may can offer suggestions or workarounds :)

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