Alignment of swf for web output

Oct 09, 2012

Is there a way to set a default alignment for story.swf as it appears in the story.html page?

The default output when published for the web  is "center," and other than editing the javascript variable g_strAlign on each story.html page, I can't find a way to do it. My team is producing a large number of "stories" and I'd really like to find a way around this extra step.

I can't find a "top" alignment variable, either. Ideally we'd want to align the output top-left, since we're producing "stories" that will display in an LMS and want to conserve screen space.



6 Replies
Jason Ferguson

Over 2+ years and still no solution for changing a hardcoded variable output during publish other than "edit by hand..."

Blind feature request forms are not very user friendly.  We have submitted this "feature request" twice over the last two years with no response or any indication that this is even on the radar.   

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