Animations from PowerPoint

Jul 22, 2015


I'm very new to Articulate so sorry if this is a really silly question! I wanted to use an 'Appear' animation to allow my text to come into the screen character by character as if being typed out. I couldn't seem to achieve this in Articulate itself so I created this in PowerPoint and then imported it into Articulate. When I play the slide the text appears all together and not character by character as set up. I looked in the 'Help' section and it seems that animation is supported so is there somewhere I am going wrong?

Also, the support information keeps referring to an 'Articulate tab' in PowerPoint - do I need to download this in order to set up animations for Articulate? I thought this feature was linked to older versions of Articulate but maybe I'm wrong!

Thanks all! :)

5 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Louise! 

Assuming you are a Storyline user since you are posting in the Storyline forum.

'Appear' is not listed as a supported animation when importing from Powerpoint as you can see here.

As far as the Articulate Tab in Powerpoint, this would be if you were a Presenter software user, which is different than Storyline.

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