Apparent Errors Generated by Articulate 2

Apr 22, 2015

A large public education system we develop for has reported ongoing problems with Articulate 2 developed courses radonly timing out when loading, i.e. the 'rotating cogs' simply go on rotating. They use Blackboard as their LMS on a large VPN. Our clients using Moodle report no similar problems.

Investigations show the following:

There appears to be some errors in the code generated by Articulate 2. Two examples from two differing learning packages are displayed below:

Error 1

Error 1

Error 2

Error 2

If the learner uses Adobe Flash Player 15,0,0,167 with an IE browser then the page just hangs and doesn’t load the content. We believe this is why our clients have had problems accessing the content.  From experimentation if learners use Adobe Flash player 17 all of the browsers will ignore the errors and allow the content to load. However, like any public education system we need to take into account the legacy issues that exist across multiple sites.

Any ideas on how we can remove this apparent error problem (without whipping each and every school principal into moving into the newer versions of applications across all of their school's machines:)).

Ideas, suggestions and directions welcomed. Thanks...

4 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi John,

I haven't seen/heard this particular error yet - but you mentioned it's only this group of users who are in Blackboard and accessing it through IE with a particular flash version? Have you tried to share another version of the course with the group to see if the issue is Blackboard specific vs. Storyline 2 specific? You could try uploading a course to SCORM Cloud which is an industry standard for testing SCORM content. 

Also you could look at enabling LMS debug mode to see what information is being passed back and forth and how it's being read by Blackboard. 

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