Audio on base layer not working with settings

Apr 03, 2014

Hi - I have a slide with 3 layers. Each layer has buttons, where the trigger returns the user to the base layer. I have the property settings set to "Reset to initial state". When the user returns to the base layer, the audio does not play. It only plays the first time the user is on that screen, and not from the layers. Is there something else I am missing? It's only this screen and I've re-created it as well.

Thank you.

3 Replies
rehan arshad

Hi june

For layer trigger use "Hide this layer" when timeline Ends or whatever trigger you have added.

Also select "Pause timeline of base layer " from gear icon of that specific layer, this would pause the base layer audio, when you return to the base layer it would be resumed.

Another way is you should select Jump to slide(This very slide that you are using) when timeline ends for the specific layer and set the base layer to the "Reset to initial state", it would definitely start the audio again.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi June,

If all your other slides are set up the same way and behaving correctly, I'd check into a few other things:

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