Avatars Chosen Appear on all pages

Jan 09, 2015


I have two avatars at the beginning of a module that users will chose from and I need them to appear on every slide in the course, according to the one the user has chosen. 

I got a great response to my question here https://player.vimeo.com/video/149069647

However, I don't quite know what that looks like. Can anyone elaborate on that?



9 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi Josy

the variables are true/false variables not number variables.  So you begin with creating a T/F variable for each character and you add a button that the user clicks to select or they could just click the character.  Then you need triggers on the slides that adjust the T/F variable so that SL knows which character to display on each slide.

Which version of SL are you using and I will try and set a sample file for you



Wendy Farmer

Hi Josy

interesting - I don't see that.  So you are choosing Mary Jo or Tex Mex on Slide 1, then click next and who you choose from Slide 1 should display on Slide 2 and Slide 3. 

If you are looking at the slides in slide view  - you will see I have built it so that Mary Jo and Tex occupy the same position on the slide, one will be hidden if they are not the chosen one.

Here is the published file - let me know if it looks different to you.

Wendy Farmer

You have to unzip the file and play the story.html file to see the published version.

I have taken screenshots of what I see when I preview or publish it:

Slide 1 and I click on Mary Jo - her pose changes to 'surprised'

Then I click the NEXT button and Slide 2 appears with Mary Jo only

Then I click NEXT again and Mary Jo is on Slide 3

Not sure why you are seeing both characters displaying - the only time you should see the two characters on top of each other is in slide view when you are editing.

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