Bookmarking issue

Feb 04, 2018

Hi all,

Just a question re: bookmarking in Storyline 3. I've got bookmarking set to 'Always resume', which works perfectly while a course has not being marked as complete. However, once the completion trigger for the course has been activated (e.g. via visiting x amount of screens, displaying the relevant results screen, etc.) the bookmarking always returns me to the screen where the completion trigger was activated. E.g. if I complete the quiz to trigger completion, then go back to some of the course content screens and save and exit the course, when I return, I get taken back to the quiz success results screen.

Would really appreciate any advice as to how I can fix this, or is this simply standard Articulate Storyline behaviour?

Thanks in advance :-)

3 Replies
Luke Barrett

Hi Veronica,

Thanks for the response - much appreciated! I've done some more testing, and now it seems to be returning me to the course home screen. It's only a small course with a five-question quiz, so I think it's unlikely that suspend data will be the issue, but I'll check it out and see if that uncovers anything :-)

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