browser controls on web objects in Storyline

Jul 19, 2012

I've seen the tutorial on inserting and editing web objects in Storyline, but I'm still running into a problem.

I'd like to send students to a site where they can navigate forwards and backwards. In other words, I want the forward and back arrows on the browser available. In the Options section of inserting a web object, I chose to load when clicked, to show the object in a new browser window, to use all browser controls, and to use a custom size. However, I can't see any navigation arrows on the browser in the new window. In fact, I tried experimenting with showing "all browser controls," "no address bar," and "no browser controls," and I didn't notice any difference. Could someone let me know where I'm going wrong?



6 Replies
Adrian Dean

Hi Dorothy,

I setup a web object the same way you did. I use the Chrome browser and when it opened to a new window, I didn't have any of the browser controls either. However, when I right-clicked on the window and told it to open to a tab, the browser controls appeared.

Here is a how-to on how to get Chrome to open the link to a tab rather than a window. Unfortunately, there is no setting like with Firefox or Internet Explorer to open all links to a tab instead of a window automatically. There are some methods, but none of them are automatic.

Hope this helps,


Dorothy Stark

I discovered that if I inserted a web object not in a new window but on the slide, even if the web object is way bigger than the slide, the whole web object shows, and there are forward and back buttons in the browser. So maybe I'll do that. I haven't had a chance to experiment with your CTRL key idea instead, but I will. Thanks!

Dorothy Stark

Hi Adrian,

Sorry, I'm designing and starting to teach a new live course, so I'm having to put aside playing with learning Storyline for a bit. I did try the CTRL-click web object and hyperlink from Internet Explorer -- the browser my students use-- but I didn't get the forward and back browser controls, so probably I'll just end up using the oversized web object. It'll likely be another couple of weeks before I have time to look much at Storyline though.

Thanks for asking,


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