BUG in Storyline 360 Notes?

Apr 02, 2020


I'm entering text into the Notes field on each of my project files.

I am copying from a word document, and pasting the text directly into the blue notes field found at the bottom of each screen. 

When I do, the text appears repeated two times. In other words, I get two identical sets of the text inside the blue text box. I then have to delete one set, which is time consuming.

Is this a known issue?

12 Replies
Shari Pobjecky

Hi Leslie and Phil.

Thank you both for your responses!

Actually, I took Phil's feedback and through trial and error was able to establish that the times that I DID select an entire cell of the table and pasted it in the notes field, I found that the software duplicated the paste two or three times. If I copy text a few lines at a time from a table, it pastes without duplication.

However I still think that I should be able to select an entire cell in a table and have it paste without duplication.

Lauren Connelly

Hi Shari!

Thanks for sharing what worked for you! We don't have any known issues with copying and pasting text from Word. 

I noticed that if you copy a cell, then the text on the right is included with additional spacing. I didn't have the text duplicated on my end.

I've copied the text in the cells and pasted them in the Notes section without any issues.

You can find my test here!

Katie Riggio

Hi there, Cary!

Can you tell me more about the formatting issues you're seeing?

In the meantime, have you tried right-clicking in Storyline's Notes area and selecting Keep Text Only? That should remove any formatting applied to the text from Word.


🔖 For more details on formatting, check out these related resources:

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