[BUG] Modern Player cutting off content on slide

Aug 08, 2018


One of our tests ran into a bug on when testing a Storyline 360 course on Scorm Cloud. 

They were using the following device:

  • Google Pixel 
  • Android 8.1.0
  • Chrome browser

The picture "Bug" I uploaded shows that the right side of the slide is covered by a gray bar from the player. This only appeared after the user had gone through several slides. 

The picture "Actual" I uploaded is a screenshot of the slide in Storyline, where you can see the content that is covered in the "Bug" image.

This issue hasn't been reproduced on iOS or Android at this time.


Does anyone have any ideas or tips?


17 Replies
Xtreme Lashes by Jo Mousselli

Thanks, Alyssa. 

Is there a timeline for fixing this? My company has a product launch tied to our first usage of Storyline 360 and we'd hate to have this error occurring. It would come off poorly for our client base if we advertise this great new online learning system, and it isn't working correctly.


Xtreme Lashes by Jo Mousselli

Thanks Alyssa. Is there any way to escalate this issue? I think it's pretty serious when 20% of our content is cut off for the user and it's been a known issue for a few months now. We need your product to work as designed since we're selling the training we create. This negatively affects our bottom line and customer experience. Please let me know if there's anything we can do on our side to help expedite things. We can offer time to beta test a potential fix if it would help speed things up. 

Thank you and I mean no ill will towards you in this situation :)

Xtreme Lashes by Jo Mousselli

Thank you, Ashley. 

I have a Case open with Chino right now looking at a whole slew of bugs we've found and vetted through Scorm Cloud and with our LMS vendor, complete with videos and pictures. I didn't add this issue to that Case since I knew your team already knew about it. We did see it occur though. 

Case #01553167 has the Storyline 360 file associated with it.


Crystal Horn

Hey Lawrence. I'm excited to let you know that we just released update 23 for Storyline 360! It includes new features and fixes - check them all out here.

We fixed some modern player issues, including bars that cut off the tops of slides on Android devices.

Here’s how you can update Storyline 360 to take advantage of everything the latest release has to offer. Let me know how you make out!

Michele M

That is my issue. What is the resolution? I have the story size set to a custom size with the box next to Lock Aspect Ratio checked. Does the solution place an X ON THE LIGHTBOX WINDOW- or just outside of it. I am currently having it float out to the right. It does close the lightbox....but ideally it should be on the window. The X is white instead of the little RED circle X. Is there another solution of which I am unaware? Thanks.

Katie Riggio

Hi, Michele. Happy to help, too! 🙂

What version of Storyline are you using? You can find this detail by clicking on the Help tab, then About Storyline. We released a fix for the issue Crystal described in update 13. Before this release, a workaround for this issue was not to lock the player at its optimal size.

Would you also mind sharing your source file so we can dig deeper? It'll help us get a clear picture of what's going on, and we'll delete it after troubleshooting. If that works for you, you can send your Storyline file to us privately in a case here. We'll be here!

Michele M

HI, I'm using version 3.22.17236.0

Until I get the okay from my manager, our company has strict file sharing protocol since we are a bank. I don't think I can share the .story at this time.


Michele Morgan
Learning & Development
(205) 820-2885


Leslie McKerchie

Hi Michele,

Thanks for that description. It sounds like you're using the Modern Player, which does use a white x to the right of the lightbox:

If you'd like to see the red x connected to the lightbox, you'd need to enable the Classic Player, like this:

It looks like your email signature came through when you replied via email. You can remove that if needed by clicking ‘Edit’ beneath your response. Here’s a quick Peek video if you need help.

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