Button State Change from Hidden to Normal - button not appearing when Trigger sets it to Normal??

May 17, 2016

I just can't figure out what I have setup incorrectly.  Please see attached view of the slide.  I actually have it working on other slides but when I set up the variables, conditions, triggers and states all the same it still does not appear when revisited? 

The behavior should be, play audio when timeline starts, then when complete set it to true so that when the slide is revisited the audio will not play instead the Replay Audio button appears and they can hear it again by selecting.  

I think it is the state I don't have set up correctly but...had to reach out for some help, in crunch mode on meeting deadline! :-) 

Thank you!!

22 Replies
Kelly Schrodi

I wish I could but I can't, the course covers a confidential internal application.  I have tried everything I can think of, I believe it has to do with me not setting up the States correctly.  Maybe just a simple question I could ask is...to go from a Hidden to a Normal state, I would make sure I have a Normal State added and then set a trigger to change state to Normal when timeline starts with a condition that the Audio variable has been set to True.  Is there something I am missing with transitioning the states? 

thank you for your help.

Kelly Schrodi

I should have asked my question more specifically.  I see the Add Attachment button but am not clear on, do I publish the course and then send it?  I can't send you a link to where I have it saved?  I am sorry for such simple questions, this is my first time trying to share a course externally from our network. 

Kelly Schrodi

I am sorry to be taking up so much time but I just do not understand.  I have only published to my own network drive then loaded to our SharePoint so I don't know any other way of saving the courses? 

Attached is a view of the files, can you tell me how to get to you the appropriate file? 

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