Can a Zoom be delayed?

Apr 30, 2013

I'm working on several layered slides that have triggers from layer to layer.  I've come upon a problem that I'm hoping you can help with. 

I have timed a zoom to appear about 2 seconds into a layer.  The issue is that to get to that layer the user must click a hot spot on the base (or another layer).  But... the zoom doesn't show the area where the hot spot resides.  This isn't a probelm if the user is paying attention, but if they loose focus, they won't be able to click the hot spot and consequently will be stuck on a zoomed in slide that has nothing to do with what they should be seing.  Is there a way to delay the zoom until the user has clicked the hotspot to reveal the new layer?  Of do I need to put the new "zoomed content" onto the next slide instead?

6 Replies
Josh Uhlig

I suggest duplicating the layer and have the button click trigger this new duplicate layer.  So delete the zoom effect from the original layer after you make the duplicate.  Then add a trigger that has the button click show the duplicate layer  which has the zoom effect(you can add other functionality to that layer if the button click is supposed to trigger something else as well).

Joyce Hensen

Thanks, but I think I'm still missing something.  The Zoom is only inserted to the base layer and doesn't appear to be timed by anything other than the number of seconds that have elapsed on the entire slide.  Wouldn't adding another layer just make it MORE likely that they'd miss the opportunity to click in the right place?

If it's possible to put the zoom onto the layer where you'd like it to reside, I'd do that, but it isn't an insert option on anything but the base.

Alexandros Anoyatis

Hi Joyce,

If I fully understood what you're trying to achieve, then you can do something like this :

Insert a 'dummy' element off-slide (it can be anything) and time it to appear between your zoom action. Then attach a trigger like when the timeline of that element starts automatically shows a (new) empty layer (which pauses the base and allows user to click on the base).

Here's a screener for something similar...

Hope this helps,

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