Can I wrap text in a text entry field?

Jul 24, 2012

I want my users to write some text in a text entry box. When I preview, instead of starting a new line when they "hit the edge" of the text entry box i've defined, it just keeps typing in one long never-ending line. And the "Enter" button doesn't work and give me a space.

Anyone know if it's possible to make the text wrap in a text entry field?


Sorry if it's already been answered I googled and searched on here and couldn't find a similar topic..

12 Replies
Azizi Abdullah

Hi all. I'm experiencing the same problem with Storyline2. Is there something I'm doing wrong? Hasn't this been fixed yet? I have attached my sl file for reference. If anyone could shine some light on this it'd be much appreciated. (The main field I'm interested in in the attached file is the "Tech Story 2" one)


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Steven,

I didn't see a text entry field named as such - I saw a "Tech 2" one - but also noticed you had a number of layers and figured it was worth checking before I went too far. The text entry will not wrap as the user is typing, and if you're referencing that text later, the text will size to fit within the reference box you added as described here. 

Azizi Abdullah

Ashley, thanks for looking at this. Tech1 and Tech2 are indeed the fields I'm having issues with. The explanation you linked to doesn't address what I'm asking about, but what you do say about word wrap not working while typing does. 

This is exactly what I think needs to be addressed, so I'll send in a feature request to that end. To me, having a text entry field capable of word wrap, but not actually wrapping while the text is being entered is not ideal. Thanks again.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Ron,

Based on the size of an essay box, Storyline knows that there can be a bit more text and will wrap it to the next line and show it within the predetermined box size. A short answer or fill in the blank question type is set to a box size of one line of text, so instead of wrapping the text it will keep it all on one line.  If you were to try to use the enter key to shift it to a new line, it will submit the answers as detailed here. 

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