Can one button affect two variables?

Feb 14, 2019

Hi everyone,

Can one button affect two variables?

In one of my courses the learner has to click on an answer (numbered on a scale of 1-7) on each page. Using number variables I am able to collect the information of how many '1's' or '2's' are clicked. The questions are also in groups of different genres - I would like to be able to collect and display the information of these genres as well. 

Is there a way that I can set a trigger that clicking on one answer can add a value of 1 to both variables?

I am using Articulate Storyline 3.



6 Replies
Kim Knight

This is just the skeleton framework - I have setup all the triggers for the initial '1' or '2' answers but only slide 1 has been set up for the genre answers. For an example click on 'of great importance' on slide one and that should populate a number entry box on slides 37 and 38. Currently it only populates the number entry box on slide 37.



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