Change rounded corner of rectangle to sharp

Jul 25, 2016


I created an entire module with round edges on my buttons but now I want to change them to sharp edges. Is there any easy way to do this without creating new shapes and having to update all the triggers on the button and the module in storyline?


16 Replies
Nicole Legault

Hi all - just popping into the convo because I happened to see Ludek's comments and remembered that, from my past experience working with the Format Painter, it copies all the formatting but DOES NOT change the actual shape of an object.

Watch this short Peek video to see what I mean.

As I explain in the short Peek video, I think the best bet in this case to change your shapes is to select each rounded-edge rectangle, one at a time, and use the "Change Shape" feature under the Design tab of the ribbon to update your shapes. It is time consuming and a bit annoying but right now there's no global way to update shapes (as far as I know...) :) Best of luck. 

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Xavier!

There isn't an option to apply squared-corners to a rounded button, but there is a workaround you can use to create a button with squared-corners:

  1. Draw a rectangle shape that you will use as the new button. Make sure it is the same size as the original rounded button.
  2. With the original button selected, click the Format Painter (the paintbrush icon) on the Home tab. 
  3. Now click the rectangle shape you created. The states and other attributes of the original button will get copied to your shape.
  4. Now you can delete the original button, and you're left with a squared-corner button of your own, with states all set up for you. 

Here's a video tutorial of those steps I created for you using Peek. I hope this helps!

Xavier Cambier

Thank you for answering.

I agree with you, but this way i have a "fake" button, not a "real one" with the same attribute, even if i use the "paintbrush".

For example If i use a button that open a new layer with audio. As long as I click on the button, the audio will always start from the begining.

If you do the same with a "fake" button, from a form I mean (even if I paste with the paintbrush). Then if you click once, the audio starts and if you close and open it again, the audio will continue and won't start from the beginning.

This is what I call the special attribute from a button. 

The only solution I can see, it's to take a button from Articulate Storyline 1, where you can define the sharpness of your corners.

Thank you again! 

Xavier Cambier

Thank you Phil! 

I download a template which was made with Articulate storyline and there is handle with which you can change the roundness of your object.

As for Storyline 360... I would love to have to use it, but I'm not the guy who hold the finance and my manager is waiting for Articulate Storyline 3. 

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