Changing state of the next button not working

Feb 12, 2016

Good morning,

I would appreciate someone taking a look at this file. Slide 1.1 has the Next button hidden until all four marker states change to Visited. This one is working fine. Slide 2.2 has the same trigger order, starting with change state of Next to Hidden and then change state of Next to Normal if four variables = True. The variable changes are set on each of four layers. (I have some other scenes that I started to set up with a Continue button, but I like using Next instead.

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong and would appreciate some expertise.


9 Replies
Cheryl Hoover

Cary, thank you so much! That certainly simplifies things, which is great. I don't know why I have a mental block with this Next button. Do you think there was something in the way I built it that was wrong, or the Next button doesn't work with triggers, just state changes on objects?

I really appreciate your time!

Cary Glenn

I'm not entirely sure, I suspect it is because the trigger is set up based on timing of the slide starting, which can be problematic. You could set it up to fire the trigger when a hotspot is triggered if all the variables were true but then you need to make four triggers (one for each hotspot). Since, you don't know what order the learners are going to click the buttons.

Mansi Khanna

Hello everyone. I am facing the similar issue. I have tried both the methods to make next button visible. I have created a panel of images, each image is clinked to different slide. Each slide comes back to panel of image page. I want panel of image page to display next button and a small success message after all the linked pages are visited. I have tried using the image state by setting them to visited and giving the trigger of Next button to visible after all images are visited. The next button appears for fraction of second when I click the last image but When I come back to panel page it just won't appear. 


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