Changing the Content Displayed Within a Single Page Based Upon User Decison

Jul 24, 2018

Hi, I'm wanting to use Storyline to create a copyright decision making tool. The user would start by choosing a resource e.g. an image, video, book, etc... then be presented with a series of questions such as where did you get it from? What do you want to do with it? will it be open or closed access? etc...

I've mapped this out as a decision tree and it's BIG! I wanted to know if I could use variables to potentially re-use pages and change some of the content that is displayed based upon what resource the user has selected. I'll explain...

If someone is wanting to know whether they can use an image, I need to ask where they got it from. The choices may be: Google images, a book, an image library.

Whereas if the user had initially chosen video as the resource they're using, they would still be taken to a 'where did you get it from' page, but this time the choices they can select from will be different e.g. YouTube, personal copy of a DVD, etc...

What I want to know is if it is possible within Storyline to re-use pages but present the users with different content based upon a decision they've made. Perhaps using conditional statements?

If this is possible, it means I can keep the number of pages down to a minimum and avoid lots of duplication.

I hope this makes sense, I can provide more detail if required.



2 Replies
Susi B

Hi Ross,

you can achieve this by using true/false variables.

Let´s say you start on slide 1 where the user chooses between video or image, if he clicks on image the variable image changes to true. Then on slide 2 you have 2 layers. When the timeline starts and the variable "image" is true the layer image is shown, if the variable "video" is true the layer video is shown etc. So you can have different content on the same slide.

Don´t forget to reset the variables when the timeline of the slide starts, so when the user can start over with an other question the variables start with false again.  BUT if you want to let the user go back and correct an answer you can´t reset the variables on the slide, but only in the end, when he maybe clicks a restart button, there you should reset ALL variables. Also you have to trigger a variable change when the user corrects his first choice so only one variable of the slide can be true.

This maybe sounds a bit confusing, but do it step by step and as you already wrote down your decision tree you already have your variables. :)

If you need any help just ask.



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