Changing the position of a screen recording on slide

Jul 16, 2012

Hi all.

Does anyone know how to alter the position of  a 'try me' screen recording on a slide?

My slide is 1000x750 and, I have made a screen recording that is 900x675. The recording is automatically positioned in the center of the slide, and I can't find a way to move it. 

Does anyone know how to do this?

27 Replies
Alfred Low

This is still an issue with Storyline 2.

Also, the inserted Screen Recording does not use any Slide Master - the screen recording is inserted onto a blank slide.

I tried changing the Layout but this has no effect.

I believe this functionality is more a bug than anything else - the screen recording inserted as Step-by-Step behave entirely differently from any other video.

This is still an issue after more than a year and a whole new version.

Come on - please get this resolved!

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Alfred!

The screen capture slides actually become a part of the background when inserted as step by step slides, and therefore you won't see elements you've placed on a master slide. You'll need to conduct the screen recording at a smaller size than your story size to have some space around it once inserted onto a slide, but you won't be able to move the screen recording on the slides as it'll still be a part of the background - or use the "video on a single slide" option. 

If you wish to see this behave differently, please share your thoughts here.

margaret richards

So to be clear, you can't edit a video that's been inserted through the step-by-step feature? I did a screen recording but realized I need to be zoomed in closer to see the features. I added a zoom to each slide but publishing is very inconsistent (each slide is zoomed to the same spot for the entire timeline but when I preview and publish it will randomly start some slides zoomed all the way out then zoom right in). I think my only option is to re-record.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Margaret,

When editing as a step by step slide, you won't be editing a video any longer, so that option is not listed. The step by step slides are individual screen recording elements that become a part of your background.

The options for editing a step by step are in the second part of the article linked. 

If you're working between two computers you can back up your files to a shared drive, but you'll want to ensure you're downloading and saving to the local drive before opening the file to begin working on the course. 

Jeff Forrer

I can't seem to perfect Enrico's work around.  He says resize the slides to a much bigger size.  Assuming resize the Story?  If so, do you choose to Scale To Fit or Fill Background?   Then when resizing back to the original story size, if you choose to Crop, it seems to place the recording in strange locations.  Thinking I am missing a step here.  Help greatly appreciated!

Jeff Forrer

I can't seem to perfect your work around. You say to resize the slides to a much bigger size. Assuming resize the Story? If so, do you choose to Scale To Fit or Fill Background?  And then if using Fill, where to place, I tried upper right. Then when resizing back to the original story size, if you choose to Crop, it seems to place the recording in strange locations, not at the bottom where I want it. Thinking I am missing a step here. Help greatly appreciated!

Jeff Forrer

All.  A colleague of mine helped me figure this out.  Briefly, here are the steps.  Set stage of SL file to capture size.  Capture movie.  Then resize SL file to the desired stage size (which is bigger in our case as we have a header bar at the top which is 34 pixels tall).  When doing that, we choose to Fill Background vs Scale to Fit, then set our Story Position to Lower Left.  This way our recorded movie is at the bottom, and there is a gap at the top for our header.

Angie Rupert

Here are the steps I took, from a 1024X768 to reposition my screen capture lower. First, I backed up my file. I changed the story size to 1100X 825 Fill Background - Bottom Center. Next I downsized it to the original size 1024X768 and I cropped all slides with a white margin on top and it moved it lower so I could have the header my client wanted on all her slides. I then pasted the new slides to the older version, because I had a lot of slides that I didn't want messed with, like the section header slides, etc. That worked out well for me.

Rory Lavender

This thread is pretty old, but I thought I would add another process should you have multiple recordings, which you may be adding at different times. As it can get tricky to change the story size of the 'main' story whenever a recording is being inserted, we are trying this method, which is a variation of Jeff's solution. We want to add recordings which are 1280x720 into a story which is 1280x890, We needed a way to control the white space. We wanted it to always appear at the bottom of the slide so we can use that white space for feedback layers, etc. But we are often faced with having to add new recordings to an existing story, which we want to have a static story size to avoid other problems. So, we create all of our recordings in different stories, which are set to 1280x720. When the recording is verified as what we need, we change the change the story size to 1280x890, using Fill Background > Top Center. Save and close. Then, import that story into our real story. The story sizes match, so there is no repositioning of the new slides required. The white space positioning stays intact. Seems like the obvious solution, but it took me awhile to get here so I thought I would share.

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