Changing the state of pre built item

Feb 09, 2023

I am using one of the pre built slide layouts. It came with a slide that had buttons built in as groups. In the group it has pre defined states for the lettering and Rectangles. The "hover" function works just fine, however the "visited function is not working correctly. I've tried several variations of the "jump to" function and the "change state" function. What am I doing wrong. Can someone look at slide 1.4 and give me an example for "item 1" to change the state to visited when the user clicks on it.

8 Replies
Elizabeth Kuhlmann

It looks like you have the slide properties set on that slide to "reset to initial state." So when the user is coming back to it, the slide is resetting and acting like the user has not visited that button yet. Change your "when revisiting" in the slide properties to "resume saved state" and your visited states should work. 

Daniel Canaveral

So...I know folks are big fans of creating buttons by grouping content together as this makes it possible to quickly swap out content. However, I personally prefer the approach of embedding content within the states of an object as this allows you to treat the object as a single entity:

In the attached file, I've gone ahead and performed this action for you. You'll notice in the Hover state for each rectangle/button, I've pasted a copy of the "[#]" and "[title]" elements found in the Normal state, and updated the text color from white to the darker purple (or else it would not show up against the white background of the Hover state you have in place).

Also, I noticed a trigger that read more or less: "Change the state of Rectangle 01 to Visited when the user clicks Rectangle 01." This is not necessary as the Visited state is designed to display when the user indeed clicks the object (assuming a Visited state has been applied). Now, if you wanted the Visited state to appear under some other circumstance, like when the user hovers their mouse over the object, then a trigger like the one mentioned earlier is warranted.

Hope that helps, Jesse.

Angelica Orta

Thank you Daniel. I still can't get the state to change to Visited when the user comes back.  I went ahead and linked Rectangle 01 and 02 to their respect slides and built the next slide button on those slides. When returning to the main index slide (1.4) it is leaving the state of the buttons in Hover, and not changing to visited. I also set the slide properties to resume saved state. What am I missing, I don't know why it wont change to visited. On a side note I found that if I just make the rectangles a "button" all functionality works fine. I don't understand the difference

Angelica Orta

This is the only way I could get it to work properly. You would think there was an easier way to make the shapes and text act as a button. Or maybe I am missing it, but I guess this works, I just can't make the text lay exactly like I want to using a button. slide (1.6) functioning correctly now as buttons.

Angelica Orta

So, it looks like the state is not saving when the button is marked as visited. I have set the slide properties to "resume saves state: and its not working. Can you take a look, its slide 1.15 TEP-5021 3.2. It has three buttons on it and when you come back to this slide it reverts back to the initial state