Clicking to open a file

Nov 02, 2012

I haven't been able to figure out how to make a file open when something is clicked. I've used the option to jump to URL/File and browsed to my file, held at the same level as the .story file I'm building. It didn't get included when published, and nothing happens. So then I wrote out the path as story_content/calcex.pdf and placed the file manually in the story_content folder in the published files. That still doesn't work. When it publishes, it automatically changes what I wrote to the entire file path of where it's stored on my computer, so of course it won't open anywhere else.

What am I overlooking? Do I have to actually have the file I want to open stored where the Storyline content will be separately and write in the entire http://... path when building?

5 Replies
Peter Anderson

Hey Jeff, 

When you publish, the file should become part of your published output. Just make sure that when you test your output, you place it in the location for which you published (for example, if you published for web, make sure to upload the content to a web server and test it from there). Otherwise, your browser's security restrictions might not allow the file to open.

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