Combine slides from screen recording to video

Nov 27, 2012


First time posting here after, great site and have learned a lot already.

I want to create a screen recording as slides in a scene, edit them as slides and then export them as a video. Why? I want the intially want the control that editing the slides gives but then the flexibility of working with the vide, being able to resize it and place it on over objects for example.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance.

1 Reply
Peter Anderson

Welcome, Ryan!

The screen recording feature does have an export to MP4 feature, but I'm not sure that that's exactly what you're looking for. If you export the screen recording to MP4, you would lose the interactivity in it. But, based on what you mentioned you're hoping to do, it sounds like you can do everything you want within Storyline. After inserting a screen recording as a video, you can adjust its properties as you would with any other video in Storyline.

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