Completed course not recording as in progress when restarted

Dec 16, 2016

I have recently published several modules that report as In progress if I close before the end and as Passed or Complete when correctly done but they stay Complete/Passed when I go back in but close early.


We have several courses that people have to re-do after 12-36 months so the In progress is needed.


Any ideas?

3 Replies
Luke Benfield

Hi Linda,

I'm assuming you are using an LMS? If so, that is probably an LMS setting that you may need to research. We have annual compliance trainings at my company, and what we have to do is create a course in the LMS, then each year we create a new curriculum (or learning path) with the current year, and assign everyone each year. This way, the course stays the same, but the system will track each year's completion data.

There may be a setting in your LMS (depending on the system) where you can allow users to overwrite their status (completed/in-progress) if they open the course again.

Hope that is helpful.

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