Completion trigger not working when publishing in SCORM 2004 4th Edition

Aug 13, 2020


I've recently published a course in 2004 4th Edition because I seemed to be exceeding suspend data limits which was preventing  users from returning to where they left off past module 4 however this has seemingly thrown up another issue...

The completion trigger at the end of module 6 (Organisational Flexibility) now doesn't work which means that module 7 remains unavailable and the user gets stuck. I can't see the connection but it all worked fine when published in SCORM 1.2 so am guessing that this is somehow the issue?

I have tested in SCORM cloud and the same happens. Any advice gratefully received :)

2 Replies
Sam Hill

Hi Dean, it's not SCORM 2004. You look to have a bit of an issue with module 06. I noticed when navigating through it we jump from Page 7 of 9 to Page 9 of 9. The problem code appears to be on Page 8. It is setting the variable pageTOTAL to 9, which means the topic never reaches the 9th slide, which has the important trigger that sets variable Module6Complete to True.

I'm not sure if you are aware but there are actually variables within Storyline for current slide and total slides. You don't have to maintain your own slide count, which can be a bit of a hassle to maintain.

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