Course Examples

Apr 26, 2013

Hi guys and gals,

I work for a large UK firm which build E-learning courses. We use Articulate Storyline for a lot of our courses and I myself and a huuuuge fan compared to the other products out there.

We are getting a huge number of courses coming in and we want to explore what Storyline can actually do apart from the basic functionality we have been asking it to do and that clients have requested. I was wondering if people don't mind sharing a few .story files or explaining examples of unusual or complicated scenarios they have come across or just awesome things built in Storyline.

I've been trawling the forums and I've not come up with much so far as people are usually wanting assistance with issues rather than showing off their work. I've seen quite a lot of tutorials which showcase some cool features but If you'd be willing to share a few stories or files i'd be more than grateful and would help me make a case for using Storyline for the courses coming in rather than (far more clunky) competitors software.

I don't want anything copyright'd or get anyone in trouble with clients. I definitely don't want to use your material or examples, just want to show what Storyline is capable of to help me strengthen my case to use it for these bulk of courses.

Thanks in advance guys,



8 Replies
Laith Salama

Daniel Brigham said:

Yes, welcome, Laith. Here's a brief Storyline presentation that shows off my favorite features. Top 8 features of storyline

And here's another: the "click the clunker" exercise does some cool things with number variables. Revising bloated e-learning prose

Great Videos Daniel, Thanks m8. highlighting a lot of the common tools and practices we use for clients, but explaining them in a clear and effective way. Top stuff!

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