Course not displaying correctly on iPhone with modern player

Feb 20, 2020

Hi there - I'm having trouble with a new course I'm developing in Articulate Storyline 360, with the modern player. It looks great on all other displays, but not in landscape mode on a mobile phone (testing on iPhone). See the attached. Is the story size (720 x 405) to wide for the phone?? I can only see the entire screen by moving it left or right. I'm not launching the player in a new window. Thanks -- Brigitte

12 Replies
Vincent Scoma

Hi Brigitte,

Thank you for reaching out! 

Just a couple of question for you on this: 

  • What iOS device is being used to test the course? 
  • Which player is in use? Is it the Classic or Modern player? 

If you need our help to take a look at your file, we're always more than happy to help! You can share files to this thread or you’re always welcome to share it privately here. We'll let you know our findings and will delete it after having a closer look! 

Lauren Connelly

Hi Brigitte!

Thank you for attaching your file! I've found the course is displayed differently in Chrome and Safari on an iPhone 6s. It looks like the screen isn't displayed correctly in Safari but it does work in Chrome. Here are my screenshots: Chrome and Safari.

We have this logged as a bug so I'll add your comments to the report! Is there any way you could use Chrome instead of Safari?

Brigitte Cahill

Update: At some point during the last 2 months, this seems to have been fixed -- at least in SCORM Cloud everything works great now.

HOWEVER...I've just placed it into our LMS we plan to be using, and there is still a similar issue. It's just a bit different than before, but actually worse because now I can't seem to access the menu icon or the CC icon. I can't seem to resize it or move it around to access those features either. I'm attaching 2 screen shots from iPhone 6s, one landscape and one portrait. I'm thinking that, because it works well in SCORM Cloud and also looks good on my PC and tablet, and the problem only shows up in the LMS, it's an LMS issue. Am I right?? THANKS for any help!

Brigitte Cahill

Hi Sue, we're actually in the process of setting up a new LMS (not able to test there yet), so the place it's in now isn't its final's called Ednovia, and it's rather ancient! I have figured out that if you mess with it enough, while viewing it in Ednovia, you actually CAN see everything but it's certainly not ideal!

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