Course quiz questions freeze

May 04, 2015

I'm working with Storyline and posted the course to our LMS. When I get to the quiz at the end of the course, it tends to freeze on a few questions. If you try the quiz again, it could be different questions. I'm concerned that employees will get frustrated and after pressing "continue" several times, they won't get to the next question. After you press it 4 or 5 times, it tends to unfreeze and move forward. Has anyone else experienced this issue? If so, how did you fix it?

Thanks in advance!

7 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Lindsey - 

Sorry to hear you are having difficulties, but there are a few things we can try first to rule out some common issues. Please make sure you are working locally as described here, and you may want to try importing the file into a new file. If you are still having issues, you might want to try to repair Storyline. 

You may also want to test your output in the SCORM Cloud as the industry standard, and also check out this blog on Troubleshooting LMS Issues


Lindsey Mandia

Thanks for the feedback! I am working local and I tried doing the repair. I also tested in SCORM. Nothing seemed to work.

Another question I had was in my scenarios. I set up some scenarios with a few different layers. When it jumps to the layer that you're supposed to click "continue" instead of "next" at the bottom, it will go back to the previous layer and cover up the "continue" button if someone clicks "next." Is there a way to remove the "next" button from only a few slides and not the whole presentation?

Emily Ruby

Hi Lindsey,

You can choose to not show the Next button from specific slides. This can be found under the slide properties as seen here: Just uncheck the Next Button.

Also, you could hide the next button in the Layer. place a trigger to change the state of the Next button to Normal when the Click whichever button is used to chow the layer.

See attached file.


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