Crop tool in Storyline 360 is not working correctly

Apr 21, 2021

Hello, a video will explain my problem better :

When we use the cropping tool, it is not cropping the image where it should, it is resizing the picture randomly

Any solution to this problem please ? It happens to us since around 6 months now 
Sometimes, it is working perfect and sometimes not... 

Pinned Reply
Luciana Piazza

Hello Everyone! 

I'm happy to share that we have released a new update for Storyline 360 (Build 3.87.32265.0).

In this update, we have implemented a fix for:

  • Erratic movement made cropping a rotated image difficult.

As a first stepI recommend updating Storyline 360 to the latest version. Here's how:

Update Authoring Apps

If you have any questions on Update 87, please let us know in this thread or privately in a support case.

Have a great day! 

10 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Yoann,

Thank you for sharing what you are experiencing and those helpful videos.

We do have an open issue specific to cropping rotated images. I've added this conversation to our report to share updates with you here in the future.

We have two possible workarounds in the meantime:

  • Crop first, rotate later.
  • Rotate the image, save as a picture and delete it from the slide. Then reload it and crop it.
John Morgan

Hi Sue,

Thanks for reaching out! I understand that you are having issues with importing and cropping images in Storyline. I’m happy to work with you to figure out why these things are happening!  I have a few follow-up questions regarding the situation so I can understand what you are experiencing a little better.

  • Which version of Storyline are you using? I am using Storyline version 3.76.30446.0.
  • Is this happening with more than one file or is this the only one? If it happens with more than one file, are there any similarities in those files like the type of image, size of the image, or where they were imported from?
  • Are you working from a shared drive? If so, I recommend saving your files on your local drive before creating, editing, and publishing them. This will help minimize any unexpected behavior.

I’ve attached a Story file that I created in Storyline 360. I was able to import and crop the image properly. Do you mind opening it into Storyline 360 on your end to see if you notice the same behavior?

I look forward to your response!

Jürgen Schoenemeyer

this import problem happens, if in the metadata of the image

  • orientation != "Horizontal (normal)"


storyline does not process this orientation info during import*, so you have to manually rotate

to avoid the storyline error, you can

  • open such an image in any other image editor (Photoshop, IrfanView ...)
  • save the image as jpeg (quality 100)
  • open the result in storyline

* tested with SL 3.76

Michael Carlino

Leslie,  2 years ago you said this was an open issue, and I am having the same issue with cropping an image that Yonan had.  I can crop the image when it is first inserted into storyline but if I move it before cropping I am unable to crop the image now.  

Do you have any updates or a time frame when this could be fixed.  I need to be able to crop the image after I place it to make sure everything lines up.

Luciana Piazza

Hello Everyone! 

I'm happy to share that we have released a new update for Storyline 360 (Build 3.87.32265.0).

In this update, we have implemented a fix for:

  • Erratic movement made cropping a rotated image difficult.

As a first stepI recommend updating Storyline 360 to the latest version. Here's how:

Update Authoring Apps

If you have any questions on Update 87, please let us know in this thread or privately in a support case.

Have a great day!