Different passing score for different users

Aug 21, 2018

In Storyline 360, is it possible to have different passing score for different users?

I like to set the passing score from our LMS. It could even be different passing score for each time the student is running the course.

11 Replies
Marcus Algotsson

We're developing courses for schools. Several different schools and educations are using the material.

We have two different scenarios when our customers would like to change the passing score.

1.      The same course is used by two different educations. Technicians where the course is a important part of the education. And Process operators where the material only is a “good to know”.

2.      Some students have an individual study plan. The teacher would like to set different passing score for the courses.


Is see (in my world) a fairly easy solution. Let us choose if we would like to use passing score as a constant value (as is) or use via a variable.

Simon Blair

It's a bit of a kludge, but what if you duplicated the quiz draw (or the course)? Then you could have two versions with the same questions but different passing scores.

If you duplicate the course, you'll need to ensure people launch the right version. If you duplicate the quiz draw, you'll have to set up some sort of branching within the course.

Marcus Algotsson

Hi Simon! Yes that's the only way we got it working. The problem is if the passing score should be possible to set anywhere between 0 to 100%... A lot of versions ;)

We can always solve it in our own LMS, but to get it to work in other LMS's that's the problem with that solution.

Maybe we can have several versions of the questions with different passing score within the same *.story-file, and send a variable from the LMS to choose the correct version and somehow send complete/incomplete for the correct version.

Marcus Algotsson

I also tried to make comparison on my own, and shoot the answer into a dummy Question, and then have Storyline to evaluate only that dummy Question. That worked, but then I lost the result instead...

I made a feature request for the function to have the passing score set from either a value OR a variable.

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