Directing user to learning based on quiz results

Sep 03, 2013

I have several clients who would like to direct learners back to a place within the module based on which questions they get wrong in the final, assessed quiz. The requirement is to complete the quiz and then, depending on what questions have been answered incorrectly to provide links back to the relevant parts of the learning so they can review easily before re-taking the quiz.

I'm guessing I need to use variables but I'm currently stuck. Is there anyone out there doing this easily?

5 Replies
Beth Howell

Thank you for picking this up Ashley, please find the zipped file here as far as it's got. 

Basically I want to have a link to a topic show to the learner if they get certain questions in the final quiz incorrect. So, the first one I'm trying to tackle is that if either of questions 1, 2 or 3 are incorrect - the learner needs to see the link to section 2 - 'Preparing for a BM Meeting'. So the link on slide 7.5 is initially hidden and only shows if either question 1, 2 or 3 are incorrect. I wanted to use the 'If quiz fails' trigger logic but couldn't see how that would relate to just one question, rather than the final assessment. 

Anyway, here goes, any help would be gratefully received...

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