Do you undock?

Feb 05, 2016

Hello all,

I'm usually in here seeking help and guidance from Storyline experts far smarter than myself but today I thought I'd ask something a little more light hearted about Storyline 2.

As the title says "Do you undock?" In my opinion, the single best update from Storyline 2 over its predecessor is the ability undock the workspace windows and spread them across multiple monitors.

For me, having everything spread out and available across two screens significantly reduces development time and I'm keen to see if many other Storyline 2 users also take advantage of this feature?

Attached is my preferred layout and feel free to share your screenshots here as well.


11 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

I'm ashamed to admit it since I'm in the minority - but I'm a Docker. I'm constantly moving about and therefore work mostly from my laptop (one screen) and therefore keep it all in the same set up. Granted, I'm also not building the amazing things I've seen you all create - so my focus in a file is for much shorter periods of time. :-) 

Wendy Farmer

Ashley - thanks for being an honest 'docker'.  I use two 27" monitors at home but because I travel so much I bought a 15"GeChic thin onlap monitor that I can hook up via HDMI cable and power from the laptop with a USB cable so I can continue to undock where ever I be! Ah the freedom it brings....

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