document to download

Apr 20, 2015

Hi all,

I hope, you've had a wonderful weekend!

I want to integrate a downloadable document to my eLearning. When I create a trigger, my loocally stored document will only be referred, but as it still is local, no one will be able to access it. What can I do?




9 Replies
Parashuram Vhaval
Wendy Farmer

Hi Martin

when you publish your file the document referred to should be contained in the Storyline output > story_content>external_files folder of your published output files.



Hi Wendy,

My observation is, storyline includes all linked documents in external files folder, if you are adding them through references tab but if you are using any on stage button to open any external file, you need to process it manually. 

Correct me if there is any alternative.

Parashuram Vhaval

Thanks Wendy,

I was doing it in different way. Your method seams shortest and easiest. :)

But as I have team of 10+ people working with me, We have SVN to control revisions of file on every machine.

If I create a file and attach something as per steps above it always requires to publish that file from my machine itself.

If someone else is using that file on his machine and publish that file, it wont work.  Although all files are there on same path on both machines.

Parashuram Vhaval
Christie Pollick

Hi, Parashuram -- 

Just a reminder regarding working with local project files (including linking to files), and here is some information pertaining to recommended workflow for collaborative network environments

Hello Christie,

Thanks for these links. As I have mentioned we are using Tortoise SVN software. Whenever I create any file on my local drive and add it to SVN and commit my file, this software makes copy of my file along with all my folder structure, to its aligned server then if someone else who is working on that file need to take just update and all my files and folders that are copied to server are pasted on that person's local system. 

I guess this is automated process of the same, one that is explained in above link. But still only links that contains documents, does not work, rather all things work fine.

So we are using the alternative, one that explained in my first reply above.

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