Does anyone else have an issue with the lack of ethnic diversity in Storyline characters?

Mar 15, 2019

We produce e-learning for people to in all continents, and while I really like the flexibility of using storyline characters - why are there literally no African or South Asian people there? And why are they all dressed in American business (smart or casual) clothes? It really limits their suitability.

Also, is it just me, or is there a degree of gender bias in the poses? I feel that the male characters are far more authoritative with their stance and hand gestures than the women.  For example:


4 Replies Parish

Agree they don't always meet my needs either.  

You might want to look at:

Bryan has been working hard for many years to try to create a robust and diverse collection of all things elearning art.  He's also very open to suggestions for expanding his library. Reasonably priced as well.

Ren Gomez

Hi Cleona,

Great news! We released an update for Articulate 360, which included some new photographic and illustrated characters to the Content Library, with a focus on diversity. Take a peek at all the new additions in the release notes here.

And because the Content Library is a web app, no need to install any updates. The new characters are immediately available to all Articulate 360 users!

We’ll keep sharing your feedback with our team as we continue increasing character diversity!

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Megan,

Thank you for reaching out and sharing what you would like to see in our software.

We have both of these requests on our radar:

  • Culturally diverse characters
  • Illustrated Characters in Scenario Block

I wanted to share some information about how we manage these feature requests, which may be helpful. I've added this conversation to our reports so that we can share updates with you here.