Downgrade process for Articulate 360

Sep 06, 2018

Has anyone had any experience with downgrading applications updated through the Articulate 360 application to a previous version?  We have an issue where someone updated many users to the latest 8/21 version of applications within the Articulate 360 application and as an organization we use the .msi files to do updates.  We currently use the Aug, 2 updates.  Is there a process without losing data to downgrade?

3 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi J,

It sounds like you'd like to install an earlier update? Have you run into trouble with the update release in August? 

If you need help, our Support team are here for you! Reach out here, and they'll send along an earlier update and steps to help you rollback. They'll also test the issue you've run into and confirm if it was reported to our team to investigate. 

Rolling back to an earlier version won't cause you to lose any of your .story files or data, but it may pull out fixes or features based on the version. You can take a look at our version history here for details on what is included in each update. 

John Morgan

Hi, Praveen,

If you're talking about how much time can be displayed on the timeline, I have good news! There is a slider at the bottom left corner of the timeline that lets you adjust how much time is displayed on the timeline. I attached a screenshot for reference.

If you want the small "s" next to the number of seconds to be displayed, that is something that can't be changed.

Thanks for reaching out!