Drag and Drop interaction - dropped options disappears when revisiting

Jan 31, 2017

Hi All,

We are building eLearning courses which includes drag and drop template using "ConvertSlide to Freeform Question".

I have multiple draggable objects to be dropped on two drop areas. The problem is, when we revisit the same slide dropped options seems to disappear. I have added couple of screenshots and a sample file.

Any suggestion to fix this.

3 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hello, Karthik!  I did some testing with your file.  From your screenshots, I could see that you were viewing your published output locally, from the published output folder.  But I also experienced the same behavior after uploading the course to my Articulate Online and viewing it using Chrome (HTML5 output) and Safari.  I could not reproduce the issue in the Flash output, however.

I'm going to do a little more investigating on this behavior, and I'll let you know what I find.

Crystal Horn

Ok, Karthik.  I noticed that the drag items seem to be stacking on top of each other in the HTML5 output, rather than tiling, when revisiting the slides.  I noticed this more obviously in Safari.


At first it looked like the objects where disappearing, but I increased the transparency so that I could see if they were actually just moving on top of one another.  As you can see above, in the Red section, one of the blue drag items is stacked on top of a red item, rather than tiled below it.

Here's another shot:


The objects don't seem to move around when I change the Drag and Drop options to something other than tiling-- that gives you the potential for a workaround to accommodate the HTML5 issue we're seeing.

In the meantime, I'm going to create a report for our QA team about this issue so that they can investigate the potential for a fix.  When we get more information from them, we'll update this discussion, and if you're still subscribed, you'll get an email notification.

Thanks again for pointing this out!

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